How to buy Cromas Paints
On our website you will not find an online shop to make the purchase yourself. This is because Cromas has the goal of customer’s satisfaction and, having a big selection, we want to be able to give you the best suggestion and we will not sell you products that are not suitable for your project. In Cromas, we manufacture paints that are designed for and dedicated to professionals, artisans and companies. Since the paints have multiple applications, please contact us to discuss your application. In addition to this, since we deal with dangerous goods (solvent based, flammable paints), it’s necessary to verify the most suitable way for shipping.
Buying from a Distributor
If your project is suitable and the goods are available at one of our Distributors in your country, we will put you in contact with them.
EU shipping with TNT express courier
We can now ship in continental Europe (France, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Poland, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Romania and others)
It’s possible to ship flammable products via express courier only in the “LIMITED QUANTITY” of maximum 5L per can (up to 100kg). This is a quick and economic way to ship goods when possible. The shipping cost is similar to any other courier, plus an additional fee to handle the dangerous goods. The actual availability of the service must be always verified.
EU and International shipping not covered by TNT
For larger orders and for expeditions not covered by TNT, alternatives are available including cargo ship transport. ADR and IMO documentation and packaging is handled directly by Cromas, ensuring a cost-effective solution.
For air shipments of flammable goods, the packing and the documentation is carried out in a specialized company that guarantees security and respect of the current regulations (IATA rules).
Minimum purchase quantity
The minimum purchase quantity varies from product to product. Many products are available as a sample kit with 1L or 1kg each component. This will allow for application tests. For some products custom colors are possible for a minimum quantity order that vary from product to product. Contact the office for more information.
Samples of applied product
We have catalogs with real painted samples and sample painted on MDF. We can send a catalogue or sample after your project has been evaluated by Cromas technical staff.

Finishes sample boxes with Cromas special paints
Finishes sample boxes with Cromas special paints
Cromas special paint tins
Cromas special paint lithographed tins
Cromas special paints catalogs
Cromas special paints catalogs