When the Light Go Out…it Glows-In-The-Dark
Our Phosphorescent paint also known as Photoluminescent paint absorbs light and glows-in-the-dark when the lights are turned off. This paint was developed by our R&D laboratory and is formulated with professional pigments that allows a long glow-in-the-dark effect.
This effect is available in 3 glowing colours.
The Cromas Phosphorecent paint can be applied using different techniques. With each technique, a high level of glow-in-the-dark luminance can be achieved with one or two coats of paint.
- Spray Gun
- Paint Roller
- Paint Brush
This acrylic paint effect can be applied on a variety of materials and surfaces and is approved for use on electronics as it meets the RoHS requirements.
- Wood
- Metal (iron, aluminium, brass, etc.)
- Plastic (ABS, ABS-PC, etc.)
A sample kit of this paint is available for purchase. The sample kit will have 1 kg of each paint needed to make the effect. We supply primer, special effect paints, topcoat (if needed) and hardener and thinner for spraying. This can paint a 3-5 m2 area.
This paint is a low thickness product and was not designed to be a substitute for a light source. The long lasting glow effect has been compared to other paints with the same thickness and our paints offer the same or better results.

Phosphorescent paint with high emission of light in the dark
Phosphorescent paints, many colours glowing in the dark
Phosphorescent paint with high emission of light in the dark
Phosphorescent paints, in the light appears close to white
Phosphorescent paint with high emission of light in the dark
Phosphorescent paints, many colours glowing in the dark
Phosphorescent paint with high emission of light in the dark
Phosphorescent paints, in the light appears close to white
Phosphorescent paints, in the light appears close to white
Phosphorescent paints, many colours glowing in the dark
Phosphorescent paints, in the light appears close to white

Phosphorescent paints, in the light appears close to white
Phosphorescent paints, many colours glowing in the dark
Phosphorescent paint with high emission of light in the dark
Phosphorescent paints, in the light appears close to white

Phosphorescent paint with high emission of light in the dark
Phosphorescent paints, many colours glowing in the dark
Phosphorescent paint with high emission of light in the dark
Phosphorescent paints, many colours glowing in the dark
The colours in the above pictures are sample pictures only.
The Phosphorescent paint has an matt finish and was developed for professional and artisan applications. It is a two-component acrylic paint that uses a paint harder and paint thinner to prepare for spraying. It is possible to apply a glossy topcoat or our EROS soft touch to give the surface a unique feel.
Quality and Quantity of the Phosphorescent Pigment
Cromas produces paints for professional use, so we only use high quality raw materials produced by industries recognized worldwide for their quality. All Phosphorescent pigments used are registered or pre-registered reach and meet the RoHS requirements.
To have a good glow-in-the-dark effect, the pigments must exist in high quantities on the surface. Unlike the goods sold by online shops for private use that need many layers, professional users are able to complete the painting process in 1 or 2 layers.
Background Color
The color of the background is one of the main factors in the quantity of light emitted. The more clear the background the stronger the light emitted. With the white background, we have maximum emissions, and with the black background the minimum emission.
Illumination Level And Quality Of The Emission
The emission level is related to the quantity of light (energy) absorbed, especially for very frequent light and discharge cycles. In general, a charge of 10 minutes with full light allow for the maximum accumulated energy for a typical thicknesses of paint – less than 60-80 microns dry.
About the visibility in the dark. There is unfortunately a lot of incorrect information only for the purpose of selling a product. When you hear the duration of the luminescence is 12 hours, they do not tell you that there is a rapid drop in the intensity in the first 10-15 minutes. Then it remains a soft glow for several hours.
The Cromas Phosphorescent paints is also used for safety applications. In areas such as a stairwell, the painting of lines or vertical signals with phosphorescent paint will allow people to recognise the exit signs for several hours as their eyes become used to the darkness.
Unlike many online stores that offer similar items, we are producers of special paints and we respect the professional requirements needed by users. The products on the market normally have an average grain size of 75 microns while our products are between 5 and 15 microns. A 75 micron pigment leaves a rough surface like P80 sandpaper (very rough). This is not suitable for furniture, flat surfaces and any surface that needs to be touched. Pigments of 75 microns can be sprayed, but with difficulty and only with 2.5 mm nozzles.
The Phosphorescent paint effect is often confused with the Fluorescent paint effect. We want to explain the difference between these two types of colors:
PHOSPHORESCENT paints: also called Photoluminescent, are those that after absorbing the light, will glow-in-the-dark when the lights go out.
FLUORESCENT paints: also called Neon paints are made in very bright colors. These paints reflect the light, but when the lights go out, they do not emit any light.
For more information about the difference between Fluorescence and Phosphorescence, visit the following website:
What is the difference between Fluorescence and phosphorescence >>>>
Without going into detail, we can say that fluorescence and phosphorescence are very similar phenomena that manifest themselves for different times of release after luminous exicitation.
The distinction between the two processes depends on the release time: in the fluorescence the luminescence ends almost immediately after removing the light source, while in the phosphorescence the light continues to be emitted, at least for a short period, even after removing the exciting source.
Both phenomena start from a molecular excitation with luminous radiation, more effective in the ultraviolet.
For more information about the difference between fluorescence and phosphorescence we reccomend visiting the following links:
Molecole – yahooAnswer
What is the difference between Fluorescence and phosphorescence